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Black Trumpets - Craterellus Cornucopioides
Black Trumpets - Craterellus Cornucopioides

Our Price: (Members Only)
Weight: 8lb case
Disclaimer: At KOM we sell by the case
Quantity must be entered in increments of 8.
(Minimum order):  7

Product Code: 1012
In Season

Black trumpets, also known as the �poor man�s truffle,� have a remarkable smoky, rich flavor and texture that is cherished by chefs and mushroom enthusiasts alike. Their flavor is known to be one of the best of all wild mushrooms, and pairs well with proteins and pasta, and makes for an incredible risotto. The aroma of the black trumpet is fresh and fruity, and the unique shape and appearance makes this mushroom easily identifiable. Black trumpets have an unusually long shelf life, and when fresh should be a deep grey or dark black and slightly firm in texture.

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